

Have a question before booking? Please check below if your question has been answered:

You can quickly and easily see our prices on our online booking form and even book instantly in seconds if you’re ready!

We service all of Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, Vaughan, Markham, Hamilton and surrounding area.

A deep clean is for first-time customers or customers who haven’t had their home professionally cleaned in the past 1 month. This allows our cleaners additional time to thoroughly clean your home.

It will include everything in a standard cleaning plus additional things like baseboard cleaning.

We can accept payment by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover) only. We do not accept cash.

We put a hold on your card as your cleaning day approaches and then you are charged after the cleaning is completed.

Yes, we bring all supplies and equipment we need to clean! We can also use your supplies if you prefer.

Yes we are fully insured & bonded.

No problem, we can do your laundry and dishes as long as they fit within your max cleaning hours.

We charge a $50 cancellation fee if you cancel 24 hours after you make a booking. For same day or next day service we charge a $50 cancellation fee 2 hours after you make a booking.

If your property is deemed a hazardous cleaning situation that goes over and above our normal cleaning environment that is covered by our cleaning packages, our cleaning teams have the right to walk away. Upon such a service, you will be charged a $50 booking fee due to holding your space in our schedule.


Definitely! Our cleaning teams have training on how to treat dogs, cats and other pets. We know how to love, respect and care for them. We’re a pet friendly cleaning service.


It depends on the size of your home we will send anywhere between 1-6 cleaners.

No, absolutely not! It’s your choice to stay around or go out and take advantage of your free time. Just leave us a key and we’ll get your house cleaned!


We leave this up to you, whatever you feel most comfortable with.

  • You can let the cleaners in if you are there or a friend is there.
  • You can leave a key under the door mat on the day of cleaning.
  • You can give us the code to the garage or a lock box.
  • You can leave the door unlocked on the day of cleaning.

Sure, we can use green eco friendly organic products if you prefer. We can also use any of your products if you prefer.

Sure, we can assign the same cleaner(s) to you on a recurring basis.

Just give us a call within 48 hours of your cleaning and we will schedule a cleaner to come fix any issues as soon as possible.

Unfortunately we do not provide refunds once the cleaners have started cleaning.